How much protein do you need each day? The amount of protein you need each day largely depends on your body weight and the amount and type of exercise you do. Most healthy adults require a daily intake of at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to meet their nutritional needs, but athletes require a little more. Experts recommend between 1.2 to 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for endurance athletes, whereas protein needs for resistance and strength-trained athletes may be as high as 1.6 to 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.9 Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 to determine how much you weigh in kilograms. For example, a 154-pound man weighs 70 kg.
got it
indirect advise
thanks man
i will go with 1.2g per kilo
Good Luck
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